Dark Cloud Wiki
Dark Cloud Wiki

Recovery items are consumable items which restore hit points and abnormal status in Dark Cloud and Dark Chronicle. Health items typically appear as simple food items, which heal small amounts, ranging to more complex and larger types of food that in turn heal larger amounts. Some types of food have a minor negative side effect, such causing the thirst status. Water-based items on the other hand exist to fill the thirst meter exclusive to Dark Cloud, where as in Dark Chronicle they only heal the aforementioned thirst status.

Lastly are status restoring items, most of which heal either one specific condition or all of them at once, such as the rare Mighty Healing. Stamina Drink is technically not a recovery item and instead grants a temporary statistical power-up, but does actually cure status conditions completely once it wears off. Note that a few of the status-restoring items can also be used offensively against monsters, making them throwing items.

To use a recovery item, select it and drag it to the intended recipient, who must be hurt or under a status effect for it to work. It is also possible to place any recovery item in an active item slot, which will allow you to use it during combat at will. Most of these items can be typically found inside shops, treasure chests, miracle chests, by stealing from monsters, or slaying those that drop any.

Dark Cloud[]

Recovery items[]

Icon Item Inventory description Effect Sell
Bread icon Bread Eating it recovers health a little bit. Restores 50 HP. 10
Cheese icon Cheese Eating it allows fairly good recovery of health. Restores 80 HP. 30
Mellow Banana icon Mellow Banana It recovers HP but make you feel thirsty. Restores 170 HP, removes 2 drops from thirst meter. 40
Premium Chicken icon Premium Chicken Eating it completely recovers health. Restores 170 HP. 65
Regular Water icon Regular Water Usual water. Quenches thirst a little bit. Refills thirst meter by three drops. 5
Tasty Water icon Tasty Water Water from rugged mountain. Nearly quenches thirst. Refills thirst meter by five drops. 15
Premium Water icon Premium Water Amazing water of fairy spring. Completely quenches thirst. Refills thirst meter by ten drops, filling it. 30
Antidote Drink icon Antidote Drink Drinking it neutralizes the poison in the body. Cures Poison. 40
Soap icon Soap Releases from gooey condition. Cures Gooey. 50
Holy Water icon Holy Water Releases from spell. Causes major damage to the undead. Cures Curse. 60
Mighty Healing icon Mighty Healing Heals all conditions. Cures all status conditions. 150
Stamina Drink icon Stamina Drink Drinking it increases power. Ability temporarily increases. Grants Pumped Up condition. 150
Heart-Throb Cherry icon Throbbing Cherry Play tag to stop the enemy. Use from menu to cure stop. Cures Stop. 50

Shop availability[]

Item Buy Sell FP Shop
Bread 20 10 Gaffer's Buggy, Wise Owl Shop, Freshen Up Washery
Cheese 60 30 Wise Owl Shop, Rando's Shop, Miracle Washery, Brooke's Item Shop
Mellow Banana 80 40 Lana's Store
Premium Chicken 130 65 Warrior's Washery, Brooke's Item Shop, Ledan's Item Shop
Regular Water 10 5 Gaffer's Buggy, Suzy's Store (including the Freshen Up Washery, Warrior's Washery, Miracle Washery), Ruty's Store, Ledan's Item Shop
Tasty Water 30 15 Wise Owl Shop, Suzy's Store (including the Freshen Up Washery, Warrior's Washery, Miracle Washery), Ruty's Store, Ledan's Item Shop
Premium Water 60 30 Rando's Shop, Suzy's Store (including the Freshen Up Washery, Warrior's Washery, Miracle Washery), Ruty's Store, Ledan's Item Shop, Ruty's Store, Brooke's Item Shop, Ledan's Item Shop, Fairy King's Item Shop
Antidote Drink 80 40 5 Gaffer's Buggy, Wise Owl Shop, Suzy's Store, Fishing Store (FP only)
Soap 100 50 5 Gaffer's Buggy[a], Wise Owl Shop, Rando's Shop, Fishing Store (FP only)
Holy Water 120 60 5 Rando's Shop, Suzy's Store, Fishing Store (FP only)
Mighty Healing 300 150 15 Rando's Shop, Brooke's Item Shop, Fairy King's Item Shop, Fishing Store (FP only)
Stamina Drink 300 150 Suzy's Store (including the Freshen Up Washery, Warrior's Washery, Miracle Washery),
Heart-Throb Cherry 100 50 Lana's Store

​Dark Cloud 2[]

Recovery items[]

In Dark Chronicle you can receive some items from characters as gifts or create them using the inventing system. Generically speaking, more powerful items require more of an investment to create. The strongest are commonly won as a prize in the Fishing Contest, Finny Frenzy or as a reward for completing Spheda.

With the exception of the Heart-Throb Cherry and Ridepod Fuel, a maximum of twenty is available per item in the inventory, with the Cherry being limited to fifty as it is also a throwing item and Ridepod Fuel being limited to a maximum of five.

Icon Item Inventory description Effect Spectrumize Inventable
Bread icon Bread Restores a little health when eaten. Restores 32 HP. +2 Flame Yes
Mellow Banana icon Mellow Banana Mushy banana that restores health but creates thirst? Restores 40 HP, causes thirst. +2 Durable
Roasted Chestnut icon Roasted Chestnut A nice, pointy chestnut. Restores 40 HP. +2 Cyclone
Cheese icon Cheese Fairly good restoration of health when eaten. Restores 120 HP. +2 Beast Yes
Premium Chicken icon Premium Chicken Fully restores health when eaten. Restores all health. +2 Beast Yes
Crunchy Bread icon Crunchy Bread Hard to find special recipe. Tougher than normal bread.
Fully restores health when eaten.[citation needed]
Restores all health. +2 Durable
Plum Rice Ball icon Plum Rice Ball Fully restores health, cures statuses but causes thirst. Restores all health, cures all conditions, causes Thirst. +2 Flame
Double Pudding icon Double Pudding Fully restores the health on two characters when eaten. Restores both Maximilian's and Monica's health fully. +2 Chill Yes
Ridepod Fuel icon Ridepod Fuel Recovers all energy for Steve. Restores the Ridepod's fuel meter fully. +2 Flame Yes
Tasty Water icon Tasty Water From a deep mountain spring. Simply mouth-watering. Cures Thirst. +2 Chill Yes
Antidote Drink icon Antidote Drink Cleanses poison from the body. Cures Poison. +2 Scale Yes
Soap icon Soap Cleanses goo. Cures Gooey. +2 Chill Yes
Holy Water icon Holy Water Lifts curses. Causes heavy damage against the undead. Cures Curse. Throw to cause holy damage. +2 Exorcism Yes
Heart-Throb Cherry icon Heart-Throb Cherry Play tag to stop the enemy. Use from menu to cure stop. Cures Stop. Throw to cause stop to enemy. +2 Scale
Medusa's Tear icon Medusa's Tear Relieves the effects of petrification. Cures Petrification. +2 Scale
Mighty Healing icon Mighty Healing Cures all statuses. Cures all status conditions. +2 Durable
Stamina Drink icon Stamina Drink Bestows energy. A temporary ability boost. Grants Pumped Up condition. +1 Attack Yes

Shop availability[]

Item Buy Sell Chapter Shop
Bread 30 15 1—8 Donny Mart, Polly's Bakery, Mushroom Burger Eatery
Mellow Banana 60 40 2—8 Adel's Fruits, Mushroom Burger Eatery
Roasted Chestnut 300 50 2—7 Mushroom Burger Eatery
Cheese 60 30 3—7 Starlight Items, G-Tools
Premium Chicken 120 60 2—8 Ferdinand's Takeout
Crunchy Bread 30
Plum Rice Ball 800 200 5—8 Gordon's Bonsai
Double Pudding 150
Ridepod Fuel 2000 100 5—8 Cedric's Parts[b], Morton's Sundries, G-Tools
Tasty Water 80 10 1—8 Polly's Bakery, Adel's Fruits, Mushroom Burger Eatery, Starlight Items, G-Tools
Antidote Drink 40 20 1—8 Donny Mart, Morton's Sundries, House of Healing, Church Caretaker, Starlight Items
Soap 40 20 2—8 House of Healing, Church Caretaker
Holy Water 40 20 2—8 House of Healing, Church Caretaker
Heart-Throb Cherry 60 30 2—8 Adel's Fruit, Mushroom Burger Eatery
Medusa's Tear 80 20 2—8 House of Healing, Church Caretaker
Mighty Healing 500 250 3—8 Dell's Clinic, Starlight Items
Stamina Drink 200


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  1. Only if you have Pike in his house when you get his ending event.
  2. Cedric can repair and refuel your Ridepod for free.