Dark Cloud Wiki
Dark Cloud Wiki

Throwing items are one-time use items in the Dark Cloud series that deal damage to enemies without using a weapon. The most basic variants of these items are the bomb and the stone, both of which deal neutral (non-elemental) damage. Stronger versions of bombs simply deal more damage with a varying blast radius, while stronger versions of stones (called Gems in the first game) inflict specific elemental damage, making them more useful against enemies weak to said element. There are also fruit items that will inflict an abnormal status on enemies, such as Poison or Gooey, as well as deal a minuscule amount of neutral damage; some fruit items also serve as bait or recovery item.

To use a throwing item, simply select it and place it in an active item slot. Then press Square to throw it, locking onto an enemy is advised to make an accurate throw. In Dark Cloud, holding Square while not locked onto an enemy can be used to pinpoint exactly where you want the item to be thrown, but will freeze you in place until you throw it.

Throwing items' availability depends on their strength, as the stronger they are, the less likely you are to come across them. Treasure chests, stealing from monsters or monster drops, are the most common place to find them, aside from shops that sell them. They can also be found in miracle chests and received from townspeople as a reward in Dark Cloud.

In the PlayStation 4 remaster of Dark Cloud, killing an enemy with a thrown item will award the bronze trophy Heads up.

Dark Cloud[]

Throwing items[]

Icon Item Inventory description Damage
Stone icon Stone Throwing it at enemy causes neutral damage.
Bomb icon Bomb Throwing it at a enemy makes it explode, causing major damage.
Bomb Nut icon Bomb Nut Hitting enemy with it makes it explode and cause damage.
Flame Stone icon Inferno Gem Stone with burning power. Causes fire-based damage to enemy.
Chill Stone icon Blizzard Gem Stone with freezing power. Causes ice-based damage to enemy.
Lightning Stone icon Lightning Gem Stone with electric power. Causes thunder-based damage.
Wind Stone icon Whirlwind Gem Stone with wind power. Causes wind-based damage to enemy.
Holy Stone icon Sacred Gem Stone with blessed power. Causes holy-based damage to enemy.
Poison Apple icon Poisonous Apple Poisonous Apple. Throw it at enemy for poisonous attack. Inflicts Poison status.
Gooey Peach icon Gooey Peach Throwing it at enemy creates a gooey attack. Inflicts Gooey status.
Heart-Throb Cherry icon Throbbing Cherry Magical fruit that allows time to be stopped or advanced. Inflicts Stop status.

Shop availability[]

Item Buy Sell FP Shop
Stone 2
Bomb 80 40 Gaffer's Buggy[a], Rando's Shop, Warrior's Washery, Brooke's Item Shop, Ledan's Item Shop
Bomb Nut 90 45 Lana's Store
Inferno Gem 100 50 Joker's Store
Blizzard Gem 100 50 Joker's Store
Lightning Gem 100 50 Joker's Store
Whirlwind Gem 100 50 Joker's Store
Sacred Gem 100 50 Joker's Store
Throbbing Cherry 100 50 Lana's Store
Gooey Peach 80 40 Lana's Store
Poisonous Apple 120 60 Lana's Store

Dark Chronicle[]

Throwing items[]

In Dark Chronicle the rarest items can also be received as a reward for completing Spheda, winning a Fishing Contest or Finny Frenzy competition, or simply by inventing them. Note that the elemental stone items cannot be bought nor invented, and are sometimes used in high quality inventions, thus keeping them in reserve is a good tactic.

Erik is capable of producing Improved Bombs for free, as he can produce a batch of three for 32 skill points, of which he has 64. Repeatedly visiting Erik for free Improved Bombs is an easy way to make Gilda, as they sell for a lot of money, or to use as a back-up for the fights in the Rainbow Butterfly Wood and Balance Valley.

Icon Item Inventory description Damage Limit Spectrumize Inventable
Bomb Nut icon Bomb Nut Explodes and causes great damage when thrown. 40 50 +2 Flame
Bomb icon Bomb Causes great damage when thrown at an opponent. 100 20 +2 Flame Yes
Improved Bomb icon Improved Bomb The old bomb, but now with a bigger explosion. 400 20 +2 Flame Yes
Lightspeed icon Lightspeed Bomb that shoots lasers like fireworks. 800[b] 10 +2 Flame Yes
Final Bomb icon Final Bomb Bomb with a wide explosive range. Difficult to make. 1,000[c] 10 +3 Flame Yes
Stone icon Stone Causes non-elemental damage when thrown at an opponent. 20 +2 Smash
Flame Stone icon Flame Stone Fire-filled stone. Causes fire damage when thrown. 20 +2 Flame
Chill Stone icon Chill Stone Cold stone that causes chill damage when thrown. 20 +2 Chill
Lightning Stone icon Lightning Stone Lightning stone. Causes lightning damage when thrown. 20 +2 Lightning
Wind Stone icon Wind Stone Wind-filled stone. Causes wind damage when thrown. 20 +2 Cyclone
Holy Stone icon Holy Stone Holy stone. Causes holy damage when thrown. 20 +2 Exorcism
Holy Water icon Holy Water Lifts curses. Causes heavy damage against the undead. 20 +2 Exorcism
Poison Apple icon Poison Apple Poison apple. Poisons the enemy when thrown. 50
Gooey Peach icon Gooey Peach Makes the enemy gooey when thrown. 50 +2 Beast
Heart-Throb Cherry icon Heart-Throb Cherry Play tag to stop the enemy. Use from menu to cure stop. 50 +2 Scale
Stone Berry icon Stone Berry Petrifies the enemy when thrown. 50 +2 Smash
Gift Capsule icon Gift Capsule Put an item inside as a present to a monster. Yes

Shop availability[]

Item Buy Sell Chapter Shop
Bomb Nut 60 30 2—7 Mushroom Burger Eatery
Bomb 200 50 1—8 Morton's Sundries
Improved Bomb 1000 150 4—8 Morton's Sundries
Lightspeed 50
Final Bomb 3600 800 6—8 Morton's Sundries
Stone 10 5
Flame Stone 80 40
Chill Stone 80 40
Lightning Stone 80 40
Wind Stone 80 40
Holy Stone 80 40
Holy Water 40 20 2—8 House of Healing, Church Caretaker
Poison Apple 60 30 2—8 Adel's Fruits, Mushroom Burger Eatery
Gooey Peach 60 30 2—8 Adel's Fruits, Mushroom Burger Eatery
Heart-Throb Cherry 60 30 2—8 Adel's Fruits, Mushroom Burger Eatery
Stone Berry 60 30 2—8 Adel's Fruits
Gift Capsule 400 200 2—8 Claire's Place!, Woody Tailor



  1. Only if you have Pike in his house when you get his ending event.
  2. Deals lightning elemental damage.
  3. The Final Bomb damage appears to be bugged, as the damage will actually be adjusted by a fixed, yet seemingly random number multiplier. Said multiplier is consistent for each enemy, and can be reused on multiple other enemies.[citation needed]